Wednesday, November 13, 2019

My Philosophy of Education :: Teaching Education Essays

My Philosophy of Education There are many ways to educate, express or unveil knowledge to a student. The student’s education greatly depends on the educator’s philosophy of education. This ideological viewpoint appears to be the one true constant that could be a detrimental development influence in the classroom, no matter what curriculum is designed for the student. The students of today possess distinct and different qualities and beliefs that educators are now realizing and learning to adapt to in the classroom. If educators cannot get beyond the boundaries of social class, religion, race, creed, gender, sex, disability or cultural background, then our focus has turned too heavily upon differences and the labeling of students as special needs or underachiever, thus forming harsh pre-expectations toward students in the classroom. In my school environment everyone will be treated on an equal playing field. This atmosphere between student and teacher will enable the education process to direct itself in a positive manner sufficiently reaching the overall goal, which is knowledge through personal achievement and reason enlightenment. As an educator, I realize that my philosophy of education is portrayed not only in my actions within the classroom, but also in my overall character as an individual. I must, therefore, reflect a positive attitude in the classroom focusing on the importance of humanity, multiculturalism and the teaching of the Language Arts. Every student has the individual right to an education and it is my duty to insure that each student has the opportunity to exercise his or her educational rights in my classroom. As an educator, I must be on the cutting edge of new technology and teaching methods, so I may be prepared to offer my students a broad spectrum of learning related to their global env ironment. Learning is an infinite process, which I as an educator must acknowledge and portray in my classroom. I hope to help develop and form camaraderie in my classroom, which will create relationships of honesty and integrity with my students, giving them an inviting avenue of communication with me and with their peers. More importantly, my classroom will offer my student’s a learning sanctuary, which will provide them an environment to expand their knowledge and understand the world and themselves.

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