Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Critical Security Theory And Factors Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Critical Security Theory And Factors. Answer: Introduction Critical security is identified as the new notion for the global politics. As per the various discussions related to the emerging economy it has been discerned that there is a significant global security threats especially in the post cold war and 9/11 period. The main notion has moved from limited traditional approach focusing on the impact and effects of security thereby forming a new framework which questions the intentions of the conventional methods. The development of the new theoretical approach has been able to focus on the relevant concept which has been seen to be associated to feminism, humanitarian, social, environmental security, state security and human security. The study aims to highlight the important aspects of the critical security study and the way it diverges from traditional approaches to the security. The main aspects of the study will be able to show the different aspects of the study which has been seen to be related to the relevance, argument, analysis and c riticism (Zhao, Yan and Zhang, 2017). Discussion: Relevance The main form of the critical security theory can be regarded as effective means of the analysis of the various typos of the factors which has been seen to be linked to the importance of the social processes at the same time comparing the traditional political processes. Some of the relevancy approach of the study has identified with article by Browning, C. S. and M. McDonald which states on the relevant aspect of The Future of Critical Security Studies: Ethics and the Politics of Security. Another relevant article has been discerned with the use of Lawson, Stephanie, International Relation and another article has been further seen to be discerned with the use of Peoples, Columba and Nick Vaughan-Williams, Critical Security Studies. The most relevant form of the discussions of the study has been seen to be identified in form of the assessment of the differences which has been seen to be discerned in from of traditional security and critical studies with the purpose of the study earne d in the contextual understanding (Alnatheer, 2015). The main form of the other relevant discussions of the study has been further discerned in the areas which have been seen to be related to earning contextual understanding and useful information. Some of the other relevant discussion of the study has been further seen to be based on stating the difference between the critical security studies and traditional security. The various types of the implemented methods of security aim at improving the scope and enhancing the understandings about that approach. The primary aspects of the study has been further related to the traditional security approach associated to global community,' failure identity politics to support a dismissal of the self-other dichotomy. The traditional security of the study has been further seen to discuss the various aspects of non-traditional security or specifically related to the critical security which has been further seen to be related to traditional secu rity associated to international realism often referred as political realism. The main concentration of the study will be further given on scope of the limitation and focus on addressing the failures and the need to develop critical security studies along with the consideration of future scope (Ct-Boucher, Infantino and Salter, 2014). Argument Security studies are often referred to International security studies and considered as traditionally academic sub field of the wider application of international relations. The various fields of the international relations have been further seen to be related to the rapidly developed relations during the Cold War (Alnatheer, 2015). The term critical security study has been referred as the main approach which is critical to the mainstream/ orthodox realist approaches. Some of the other individuals are seen to consider the various types of the approaches of the theories related to the critical security with the mainstream/orthodox realist approaches. Some of the various forms of the distinct approach have been identified with right committed to emancipator theory. The image of the critical security relates to the wider approach of the security studies followed by the various types of the failures which has are seen to be associated to the security in the postmodern world (de Larrinaga and Salter, 2014). The outset of the traditional era has been understood with starting with 2009 with the twentieth anniversary of the breaking down of the Berlin Wall. The various activities associated to energy security, pandemics, violation and deforestation has been related to the change stated to be affecting the individuals (Kaltofen, 2013). Over the last twenty years it has been seen that the various types of the considerations of the critical security features with the specific approaches considered from widening concept of security. In the period between late 1930s and 1970s the concept of realism has been discerned with the identification of the various types of the factors which are seen to be directly associated to the international relation discerned as realism and liberalism. Realism has been discerned as a more dominant approach of the study which has been seen to be discerned with long hegemonic status of realism and the clarification of the security has been further seen to be linked t o the conflict which has been seen to be associated to the various approaches of security studies which pave the way of facts pave the way to a conflict base approach of hegemonic status of realism (Watson, 2013). Analysis Based on the analysis of the various types of the study it has been studied that development of the new technology has been able to focus on formation of the broad range of the approaches of greater focus on humanitarian and social ideas based on security. The traditional approaches has been discerned to be outdated in various context require new and critical assessment of the security studies followed by the failure of security in the postmodern era. The different type of the development related to the failure of the traditional approaches which has led to implementation of the previously unknown concepts. The continued implementation and development of the critical security has been taken onto account with driving new direction and new strategies for future securities (B?LG?N, 2014). The important form of the limitation has been further seen to be discerned in form of addressing the question as per criticizing the forceful nature of the traditional approach of security. The securit y and the insecurity issues have been seen to be associated to address the insecurity issues have been discerned with enhancement in the discourse of this essay (Tomlinson, 2013). The complex nature of the critical security studies has been seen to be associated to vigorous concepts and themes which encompass IR aspects of the topic and the same has been included in past, present and future. The effective collaboration with the IR scholars for the establishment of the theoretical approaches for understanding critical security studies with social and political theories. The different types of the research conducted by the authors has been able to assess the influence of the critical security studies in the recent history with various form of the possible impacts associate to possible impacts in future (Henrie, 2013). Criticism The important criticism in the study has been related to the various types of the consideration which has been seen to be associated to addressing the key issues within the security. The various types of the conventional issues has been taken into consideration with home security vs. state security, war on terror and human intervention. The key concepts within the security aspect have been able to suffice the needs of the historic and theoretical perspective of critical securities in comparison to the traditional approaches for the understanding off the complex topics. The theoretical perspective of the risk has been further able to take into consideration the various types of the aspects of the study which has been stated with the connection of the current world events. The research conducted has been considered with defining critical security studies with social and political security. The different types of the research conducted by the authors have been further able to highlight on the importance of the social processes and the comparing the same with the political processes. The research conducted on the critical aspects has been able to expand on the existing issues with the critical security study. This particular report has been further seen to be useful for comparing the traditional concepts of the security and evaluation of the key theoretical perspective. The analysis of the critical practices has been able to bring light on the various types of the deeper issues such as evaluation of the key theoretical perspectives. The vague notion and research has been seen with the critical security studies in the realms of the modern day politics and the practices of contemporary security, war on terror and human security. Conclusion The linking of the main aspects of the study has been able to state on The most relevant form of the discussions of the study has been seen to be identified in form of the assessment of the differences which has been seen to be discerned in from of traditional security and critical studies with the purpose of the study earned in the contextual understanding. The main form of the other relevant discussions of the study has been further discerned in the areas which have been seen to be related to earning contextual understanding and useful information. The outset of the traditional era has been understood with starting with 2009 with the twentieth anniversary of the breaking down of the Berlin Wall. The various activities associated to energy security, pandemics, violation and deforestation has been related to the change stated to be affecting the individuals. Over the last twenty years it has been seen that the various types of the considerations of the critical security features with the specific approaches considered from widening concept of security.The outset of the traditional era has been understood with starting with 2009 with the twentieth anniversary of the breaking down of the Berlin Wall. The various activities associated to energy security, pandemics, violation and deforestation has been related to the change stated to be affecting the individuals. Over the last twenty years it has been seen that the various types of the considerations of the critical security features with the specific approaches considered from widening concept of security. References Alnatheer, M. A. (2015) Information Security Culture Critical Success Factors, in 2015 12th International Conference on Information Technology - New Generations, pp. 731735. doi: 10.1109/ITNG.2015.124. B?LG?N, P. (2014) Dialogue of Civilisations: A Critical Security Studies Perspective., Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs, 19(1), pp. 919. Ct-Boucher, K., Infantino, F. and Salter, M. B. (2014) Border security as practice: An agenda for research, Security Dialogue, 45(3), pp. 195208. doi: 10.1177/0967010614533243. Henrie, M. (2013) Cyber security risk management in the scada critical infrastructure environment, EMJ -Engineering Management Journal, 25(2), pp. 3845. doi: 10.1080/10429247.2013.11431973. Kaltofen, C. (2013) Engaging Adorno: Critical security studies after emancipation, Security Dialogue, 44(1), pp. 3751. doi: 10.1177/0967010612470392. de Larrinaga, M. and Salter, M. B. (2014) Cold CASE: a manifesto for Canadian critical security studies, Critical Studies on Security, 2(1), pp. 119. doi: 10.1080/21624887.2013.864911. Tomlinson, I. (2013) Doubling food production to feed the 9 billion: A critical perspective on a key discourse of food security in the UK, Journal of Rural Studies, 29, pp. 8190. doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2011.09.001. Watson, S. (2013) Critical Studies on Security Macrosecuritization and the securitization dilemma in the Canadian Arctic, Critical Studies on Security, 1(3), pp. 265279. doi: 10.1080/21624887.2013.809220. Zhao, X., Yan, H. and Zhang, J. (2017) A critical review of container security operations, Maritime Policy and Management, 44(2), pp. 170186. doi: 10.1080/03088839.2016.1253883.

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